Publication year: 2018

Hybrid Nanoparticles Suspended In Ethylene Glycol To Enhance Heat Transfer Through Horizontal Heated Tube Under Turbulent Flow Condition

The hybrid nanofluids by mixing of solid nanoparticles suspended in liquid that represents a new class of heat transfer enhancement. In this study, CFD modelling using on finite volume method (FVM) and adopting SIMPLE algorithm is performed. Mixtures of Aluminum Nitride nanoparticles into ethylene glycol (EG) as a basefluid are considered as a new concept of hybrid nanofluids that can augment heat transfer. The hybrid nanofluid is prepared experimentally with the volume fraction range 1% to 4%. The size diameter of nanoparticles, heat flux around a horizontal straight tube and Reynolds number are in the range of 30 nm, 5000 w/m2 and 5,000 to 17,000 respectively. The computational method has been successfully validated using available experimental data reported in the literature. It was found that significant using of 1% to 3% AlN hybrid nanofluids with respect to the efficiency while, insignificant added more than 3% volume fractions due to obtain less than one efficiency. Results show that combination of Aluminum Nitride nanoparticles into EG basefluid tends to augment the heat transfer performance significantly.

Keywords: nanofluid, hybrid, turbulent, CFD, ANSYS.