Publication year: 2018

Emulsification Parameters Effect on the Stability of Micro-Emulsion of Tri-Fuels

This paper is about the emulsification parameter effect on the stability of micro-emulsion of tri-fuels consisting of diesel, biodiesel and ethanol. The objective is to study the effect of emulsifier parameters on the stability of different fuels emulsion for a month. This experiment was conducted in order to test the stability of the fuel. The proportions of fuels are prepared by using the volume percentage of diesel, biodiesel and ethanol. Then, every proportion is recorded based on the time (min), cycle (rpm) and amplitude (%). For this paper, there are 18 samples of fuel ratio need to be tested and studied the stability. The samples are observed in the specific period of time which is day 7, day 14, day 21 and day 28. From all the samples results recorded, the graph is plotted to determine the change in area of separation of the fuels. The results are then further analyzed using Design Experts software to obtain ANOVA analysis model and also model graphs for all the parameters involved. By choosing the most suitable parameter, all the samples results are compared and the stability of all the samples was justified. Based on the analysis and parameterization, all the samples reach stability. The ANOVA also shows that the samples model is significant and the most influenced parameter is the sonotrode rotation cycle, while the least impact to the stability is time of emulsification.

Keywords: micro-emulsion, diesel, biodiesel, ethanol, stability, ANOVA analysis.
