Publication year: 2016

Design and Development of Nanoparticles (Nano-lubricant) Test Rigs

In machining, the key solution for power-efficient and pollution-preventing is by increasing the effectiveness of existing lubrication systems as this reduces the power required to overcome the friction component in machining processes for less fuel consumption and pollution. This study present the development of the test rig to investigate experimentally the improvement on the lubricating system with the implementation of nano-lubricant. Experiments are carried out based on the heat transfer of the fluid with nanoparticles and properties of the nanoparticles. The compatibility of nano-lubricant with conventional lubricant was studied before the lubricating system performance test. Detailed analysis with the proper parameter setup are mandatory to ensure the efficiency of implementing nano-lubricant. In this research, SiO2 nanoparticles are mixed with ordinary mineral oil having 0.2% weight concentration. A proper sonification method is used to mix and suspend the particles thoroughly and efficiently. The result indicate that the performance of the lubricating system is better with the implementation of nano-lubricant. There was reduction in the coefficient of friction in the tool/chip interface, which also reduce the cutting force and
working power. Consequently, considerable power savings, less oil consumption, and less pollution are achieved.

Keywords: Lubricating system; Nanoparticles; Efficiency; Performance.
