Publication year: 2010

Analysis of Surface Roughness for Laser Cutting on Acrylic Sheets using Response Surface Method

Box-Behnken design based on response surface method (RSM) and multilayer perceptions neural network were used to predict the effect of laser cutting parameters include power requirement, cutting speed and tips distance on surface roughness during the machining of acrylic sheets. It is found that the predictive models are able to predict the longitudinal component of the surface roughness close to those readings recorded experimentally with a 95% confident interval. The result obtained from the predictive model was also compared using multilayer perceptions with back–propagation learning rule artificial neural network. The first order equation revealed that power requirement was the dominant factor which was followed by tip distance, and cutting speed. This observation indicates the potential of using response surface method in predicting cutting parameters thus eliminating the need for exhaustive cutting experiments to obtain the optimum cutting condition to enhance the surface roughness.

Keywords: Laser beam cutting, Box-Behnken design, surface roughness, acrylic sheets
