Publication year: 2017

This paper presents an experimental investigation on the coated carbide cutting tool
performance of aluminium alloy AA6061-T6 machining through end mill processes using
the minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) technique. The process parameters including
the cutting speed, depth of cut and feed rate are selected. The effect of the base fluid ratio
(water: EG) to the hybrid nanocoolant was investigated in this experiment. The hybrid
nanocoolant with 80:20 of volume concentration up to 0.1% was prepaid with a 21 nm
particle size of TiO2 and 10-30 nm ZnO nanoparticle for measurement purposes and tested
at cnc end milling machines. The analysis of the variance method is utilised to validate
the experimental data and to check for adequacy. The response surface method was used
to develop the mathematical models and to optimise the machining parameters. It is
observed that the material removal rate depends significantly on the depth of cut and feed
rate, followed by the spindle speed. The results can be used as an example of the minimum
quantity lubricants (MQL) technique applied to the machining of aluminium alloys,
providing economic advantages in terms of reduced the machining costs and better

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