Influence of Engine Speed on Heat Transfer Characteristics of Port Injection Hydrogen Fueled Engine
This paper presents the numerical investigation of the in-cylinder heat transfer characteristics of port injection hydrogen fueled internal combustion engine. One dimensional gas dynamics was described the flow and heat transfer in the components of the engine model. Special attention is paid to selection and correction of heat transfer which describe of in-cylinder heat transfer to coincide with the practical observations. Engine speed varied from 2000 rpm to 5000 rpm with increment of 500 rpm. The difference between hydrogen and methane revealed in terms of heat transfer rate and the percentage of heat transfer from the total fuel energy are investigated. The acquired results show that hydrogen fueled engine has a higher heat transfer rate with methane because of hydrogen fuel has higher heating value, faster flame speed and small quenching distance. Instantaneous results reveal that the normalized apparent and cumulative heat release is affected by engine speed. The heat transfer rate and coefficient are also affected with engine speed. Beside that the steady state results are presented by examining the dependency of average heat transfer rate and the percentage ratio of heat transfer to the total fuel energy on the engine speed.
Keywords: Hydrogen Fuel, Heat Transfer, In-cylinder, Port Injection, Engine Speed.