Publication year: 2009

Stress Analysis and Modal Transient Response of Car Chassis

This paper discusses the computational modal transient response and stress analysis of car chassis. The prediction of
the dynamic properties of the chassis is great significant to determine the natural frequencies of the structure. In order to avoid resonance, value operating frequency must lower than natural frequency of the chassis. Stress analysis
was carried out by using Algor FEMPRO Software to determine the stress distribution on the chassis structure when
load been applied. Result shows that bending mode observe at first mode frequency, torsion mode at second mode
frequency , mixed bending and torsion at third mode frequency and bending mode at fourth mode frequency. Range
natural frequency from 50-99 Hz was examined on this analysis. Maximum stress, 45 MPa was determined at each
corner at pillar joint and this value is under the allowable stress for steel which is 300 MPa. The stress and modal
analysis techniques are significant essential for automotive chassis structure design.

Keywords: natural frequencies, mode shape, stress analysis, Algor FEMPRO, modal analysis
