A new semester session 2019/2020 I begins on September 10, 2019. For this semester I was assigned to teach a new subject for me known as Data Communication for degree students. In this subject, students will be exposed on internet protocols and how to build a computer network such as LAN (local area network ) and also WAN (Wide area network).

Diploma students
As for diploma students, I was assigned to teach Instrumentation and Measurements subject. In this subject students will be exposed to the architecture and the operation of DC and AC meters, oscilloscope, signal generator, sensors and transducers, analysis of DC and AC meters and introduction to signal conditioning.

Degree Students
As what I did like a previous semesters, my learning outcomes is to ensuring that my students will make an outstanding results through building the trust between lecturer and students. I hope all of my students are satisfied with the lessons that they will receive in this current semester.
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