New adjustments from different levels of higher education to EAC require each student to develop, present the results of the general study with research potential through the Final Year Project (FYP). This goal is to demonstrate the skills and knowledge acquired by the students in their studies. This FYP is a project or academic task that must be individually attained by every engineering program student to obtain attributes for graduate. In this context, the Final Year Project plays an important role in the process of teaching and learning. It is also a way of identifying the ability of students to implement industrial or research projects that are associated with discipline.
On 15 May 2018, my final year students, Zuhairi bin Zulkifli and Muhammad Ikmal bin Misni have been successfully present the final year project entitled C-Shaped Microstrip Patch Antenna with Linear Polarization for UHF RFID Reader and U Slot Microstrip Patch Antenna with Circular Polarization for UHF RFID Readers in EXSELEN 2018. Zuhari bin Zulkifli has won “The Outstanding Project Award by IEEE Malaysia Comsoc & VTS join Chapter”. Congratulations on your great achievement.
Both of these project exhibits an advancement of microstrip patch antenna for Ultra High Frequency (UHF) Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Reader Applications. The proposed antenna is comprised of the round shape at the patch and square ground plane. The patch antenna is intended to work at a frequency of 919 MHz to 923 MHz apportioned for UHF RFID application in Malaysia. Moreover, the outcome of antenna performance such as radiation pattern, gain, bandwidth, return loss and voltage standing wave proportion additionally discussed.

From Right: Zuhairi, Ikmal & Mr. Mohd Hisyam

IEEE Award

IEEE certificate
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