
Nowadays, we are living in the world that if you wear expensive brand clothes, use high- end gadgets and etc, you will be “worshiped” or people might look up to you and said “You are awesome! You are cool, dude”. It is not the case to the persons who are the opposite of the scenarios that I have explained earlier. Even worst, peoples surrounding might look down on them. While we are busy promoting moderate lifestyle, we might turn the situation much worst.

Today, I would like to share three main points on why peoples are not living within their means. Point number 1 is society. The society always expecting better and better from us without really thinking the hardness behind of it. This could be a solid reason that inculcates the culture to not live within the means among adults. For example, we often hear a frequently asked question from the society like, “You have a good career, why did you bought a Proton car instead of imported car?”. This kind of question put so much pressure to the peoples who are being asked by this non-sensitive society. I used to have a friend who just got a work and bought Volkswagen Polo while his salaries only 3 thousand ringgit Malaysia per month. His only reason is that he wants to show to the society how successful he is by driving a fancy car! By the end of the months he has stopped giving the money to his parents and even stop paying his study loan. It will be different if he lives his life not according to other people’s judgment.

Secondly, they basically want to show off or friends are influencing them. In addition, among teenagers, owning a smart phone is no longer a trend but it is a must! I still remember, how my friend during her adolescence age tricked her parents by using the money to pay her tuition fees just to buy the smart phone. This cunning act is really bad. If she prioritises her study more than the smart phone, she didn’t loose anything at all.

Lastly, these peoples do not plan their monthly expenses well. Teenagers and adults mostly do not spend their salaries or income well. They end up “broke” at the end of the months since they spend mostly on nonsense things like car accessories, branded make- ups, gadget and others. According to Malaysia Department of Insolvency, almost 45 thousands peoples under the age od 35 years old are declared as bankrupt dated 4 years back. 41 peoples by average failed to pay for credit card, medical fees and loan shark. I would say this is happening due to their lavish lifestyle.

I believe by living moderately, just buy things that you can afford and live within your means, you will live your life happily. It is important to live your life to the fullest and always remember that, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

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