Visit To Italy 0

Visit To Italy

The Sessions of Eurasian Silk Road Universities Consortium (ESRUC) at the University of Padova On April 7-13, 2014, Professor Zurab Vadachkoria, Rector of Tbilisi State Medical University visited the University of Padova (Italy), where...

How to write your first paper 1

How to write your first paper

[Thoughts] Advice young mathematicians on writing and publishing papers There’s no reason why amateurs can’t make worthwhile research contributions in mathematics. It has happened many times in the past, and I know of several...

Great Mathematicians: Al-Khorezmi 0

Great Mathematicians: Al-Khorezmi

In Maverannarkh of the Samanidov era (IX – 12th century) a synthesis of Greek science and philosophy school, Arabic geography, Persian history and Central Asian medical and mathematical schools was formed. It was this...